Ophir Metals samples 3.47% Li2O at Pilipas, James Bay, Quebec

Ophir Metals Corp. is pleased to report initial results from multiple spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes discovered during the recently completed surface sampling program on the Pilipas Lithium Property (the "Property" or "Project"), located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region, Quebec. The Project is proximal to existing hydroelectric power that flanks the Property to the east, and an all-season road that crosses the western side of the Property.
- Validation of the Highway Showing (HW1), with sixteen (16) spodumene pegmatite grab samples averaging 1.98% Li2O
- Fifteen (15) samples returned values greater than 1.0% Li2O, six (6) of which exceeded 2.3% Li2O, over a 150 m exposed strike length and 30 m width
- HW1 Showing remains open to the northwest
- Six (6) spodumene pegmatite grab samples from a mineralized trend, the HW2 Showing, ~500 m south of HW1 returned an average of 1.18% Li2O, with two samples assaying 1.83% and 1.98% Li2O
- Four outcrop samples between 1.7 to 7.5 km east of the HW1 Showing assayed between 348 ppm to 604 ppm Ta2O5
- Analytical results for 138 samples remain to be received
- Drill planning for a 2,000 meter summer program has been finalized with a rig expected to be mobilized soon
Nathan Schmidt, Geologist/Project Manager of Dahrouge Geological comments: "The first batch of analytical results received from the Pilipas Project to date have exceeded expectations. At the HW1 Showing, assays confirmed the visual estimates of spodumene the team observed over the 150 m strike length of exposure. Both the additional spodumene pegmatite outcrops at the HW2 Showing and the highly anomalous tantalum results to the east, show the property wide potential at Pilipas. We are excited to receive the remaining surface sample assays and test these targets at depth, with the inaugural drill program commencing in early August."
"We are incredibly excited to get the drill rig turning at Pilipas to see the extent of mineralization in three dimensions at the HW1 Showing, particularly along strike where it is completely open to the north-west," comments Shawn Westcott, CEO of Ophir Metals.
The 2024 prospecting, mapping and rock sampling program was completed on June 29th, with a total of 494 grab samples collected (437 outcrop and 57 boulder). Samples were collected from all encountered pegmatite outcrops and select boulders, regardless of visual mineralization, in addition to several samples collected for their gold potential. To date, results for 356 samples have been received from the lab, including several samples collected from the Highway (HW1) Showing. Assay results remain to be received for 138 surface samples. Sample results from HW1 demonstrate the widespread nature of the mineralization throughout the outcropping area, with 15 of the 19 pegmatite samples collected from the showing exceeding 1.0% Li2O (Figure 2).
Results for spodumene pegmatite samples collected from the HW2 Showing have also been received, highlighted by two samples with assays of 1.83% and 1.98% Li2O, and a total of six (6) samples assaying >0.5% Li2O (Figure 2). Additionally, several Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum ("LCT") pegmatite outcrops have been identified up to 7.5 km east of HW1, with four samples returning >348 ppm up to 604 ppm Ta2O5 - the highest tantalum assay received to date on the Property. Tantalum is an excellent pathfinder element for lithium in pegmatites. Collectively, these results indicate the Property wide potential of LCT-mineralized pegmatites.
The Company eagerly awaits the start of its inaugural drill program, scheduled to commence in August 2024, to test the extent and mineralization of the HW1 Showing at depth. The program is fully permitted, with crews anticipated to mobilize in early August. The proximity of the HW1 Showing to the Billy Diamond highway provides a logistical advantage for future exploration and development work.
Figure 1: Pilipas Property - 2024 rock samples assays (received to date) highlighting newly discovered spodumene pegmatite outcrops. The Ninaaskumuwin Spodumene Pegmatite on Quebec Precious Metals' Elmer East Property (bottom right) is located approximately 3.7 km southeast, on trend of the new discovery. Management cautions that discoveries on adjacent properties (i.e., Ninaaskumuwin) may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Pilipas Property.
Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Battery Metals / All Articles