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Osisko Mining continues to astound!

Nov 18, 2020

By Stephane Villeneuve, Mining Life Online

In a November 17th 2020 press release, Osisko Mining Inc. (TSX:OSK) provided another look into continued expansion and definition drilling at the Windfall gold project, located in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, with new high grade intercepts of 75.7 g/t Au over 12.3m, 193 g/t over 2.0m and 37.6 g/t Au over 2.0m.

The recent drilling looks to expand on the Lynx deposit, a high grade zone that continues to provide interesting intercepts. CEO John Burzynski commented: “Lynx continues to deliver on high-grade and width with consistency, as illustrated by today’s headline...”

This news comes on the heels of several other recent updates, all indicating the potential of the windfall project located 200 km northeast of the prolific mining camp of Val D’or, Quebec. With recent results such as 395 g/t Au over 2.3m, 314 g/t over 3.0 m, 33.6 g/t Au over 9.8m and spectacular photos being shared on social media, the project is certainly proving to be a windfall for investors.

For a detailed map of the recent drilling as well as more information on Osisko Mining and their operations visit https://www.osiskomining.com and Stay tuned to mininglifeonline.net for all your mining and exploration news. As always, take care and stay safe!

Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles