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Portofino commences exploration on Bruce Lake property in Red Lake district

Jul 19, 2020

PORTOFINO RESOURCES INC. has commenced field work on its Bruce Lake Gold Property. The exploration program will consist of prospecting, rock, soil and glacial till sampling, and geological mapping.

The program will focus on two main areas. The western portion of the project with historical soil anomalies, will undergo an extensive mapping campaign to identify potential bedrock sources for the gold in soils anomalies. The eastern portion of the property covers a 2.4-kilometre ("km") northeast trending iron formation which will be examined through prospecting, mapping, and soil analysis where overburden is present. 

The Company plans to collect approximately 200 soil samples for conventional analysis over a 50-metre sample spacing. After thorough prospecting and mapping surveys, the Company will also be collecting up to 50 glacial till samples over a 300-metre sample interval for gold grain analysis. This type of sampling method has recently been used in the Red Lake area and has proven successful in the identification of near-by gold mineralization, such as Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.'s recent news of pristine gold grains found on its Kwai Property.

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles