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Probe Metals and Midland Exploration identify several high-priority targets south of Fenelon

Oct 28, 2020

Partners Probe Metals Inc. and Midland Exploration have announced they've identified three high-priority areas less than four kilometres south of the Fenelon deposit and the Tabasco, Area 51 and Reaper zones held by Wallbridge Mining. The three areas were identified by an OreVision induced polarization geophysical survey conducted in September 2020 on the Detour Gaudet-Fenelon Project (the “JV Project”).

The geophysical survey conducted during the summer of 2020 totalled 42.5 kilometres and covered a structural domain similar to the Fenelon-Tabasco-Area 51 gold zone held by Wallbridge. The geophysical interpretation indicates the presence of several high-chargeability anomalies that are also associated with resistivity highs, a signature typical of quartz-vein hosted gold deposits. The geophysical anomalies are typically found along areas with a higher density of NW-SE, E-W, and ENE-WSW-trending structures, similar to those hosting the gold mineralization to the north of the property.

In addition, a geochemical sampling program covering the IP grid is also underway; to date, 400 of the 520 sites have been sampled. A drilling program is planned for the winter of 2021, to test selected targets from the combined geophysical-geochemical program.

The Gaudet-Fenelon JV property (50% Midland / 50% Probe) consists of 226 claims (125 square kilometres) covering the Lower Detour Gold Trend (“LDGT”) over a strike length of 35 kilometres and is adjacent to the Wallbridge property hosting the Fenelon, Tabasco and Reaper gold zones.

Figure 1: Surface Map – Detour Quebec Project

Figure 2: Surface Map – Gaudet Fenelon JV and IP Survey

Figure 3: Surface Map – IP Orevision survey results and targets

Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles