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Probe Metals Intersects 11 g/t Au over 7.2m on Pascalis Trend at Val-d’Or East Project

Mar 9, 2021

Probe Metals Inc. is providing additional results from the 2020 drill program on its 100%-owned Val-d’Or East Pascalis property. Results from seventy-one (71) drill holes have been successful in confirming continuity of gold zones with infill drilling and expanding near-surface gold mineralisation at both the New Beliveau and North deposits (Figure 1). An updated mineral resource estimate is currently underway and will include the new results released today. New significant drill results are presented below.

David Palmer, President and CEO of Probe, states, “The results of the 2020 drill program along the Pascalis Trend have improved our understanding of these deposits greatly as they advance into the preliminary economic assessment. It is very encouraging to see the continued success of both the infill and the expansion programs along the original gold trend of the Val-d’Or East project. Although it has grown significantly, we continue to be impressed with the potential for further expansion and exploration remains a fundamental part of the story as we advance into economic studies.”

Drilling along the Pascalis Trend in 2020 continued to identify new mineralization within and near the margins of the Beliveau and the North conceptual pits defined by the 2019 resource estimate. Of the seventy-one shallow holes focused on identifying or confirming near surface mineralization, sixty-two returned gold intercepts over 0.5 g/t Au over 5 metres, which is above the cut-off grade and the block size used in the 2019 pit-constrained resource estimate. Only nine did not return significant results. Best expansion drilling results came from the extension to the west, the south and to the east of the Beliveau deposit and from the extension of the North deposit to the northeast. Infill drilling in the main dyke located 500 metres to the south of the former Beliveau mine also returned significant results. Gold mineralized structures intersected, particularly in the southern part of the Beliveau deposit warrant further follow-up drilling near surface and all the zones are still open at depth.

The geology and geometry of the new mineralization intersected by holes PC-20-605 to 675 are similar to those intersected previously along the Pascalis Gold Trend and consist of shallow dipping tension vein networks closely associated with sub-vertical east-west deformation zones and north-northwest dykes.

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