Québec Nickel Corp. Intersects 0.44% Ni, 0.51% Cu and 0.69 G/t Pt-Pd-Au Over 18.50m at Ducros Project, Abitibi Québec

Québec Nickel Corp. (CSE: QNI) (FSE: 7lB) (OTCQB: QNICF) (or the "Company") is pleased to report nickel-copper-PGE-gold drilling assay results from its Ducros Property, 80 kilometres northeast of Val-d'Or, Québec. Drill hole QDG-22-09, which was collared at the Fortin Sill target in the eastern part of the Ducros property, was completed to validate the results returned from the 2008 Golden Valley Mines Ltd. hole GCF-08-07. Hole QDG-22-09 returned a 31 metres-wide intercept averaging 0.37% Ni, 0.40% Cu and 0.55 g/t Pt-Pd-Au, from 10.00 to 41.00 metres hole depth. Included within this 31-metre intercept, are higher grade sub-intervals including 0.44% Ni, 0.51% Cu and 0.69 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 18.50 and 0.55% Ni, 0.86% Cu and 0.86 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 5.0 metres.
- The near-surface 18.50 metres-long sub-interval, which returned 0.44% Ni, 0.51% Cu and 0.69 g/t Pt-Pd-Au, improves upon the overall grade intersected in the lone historical hole completed at the Fortin Sill target in 2008.
- A 0.50 metre sample of semi-massive to net texture sulphides contains 1.31% Ni, 0.38% Cu and 2.12 g/t Pt-Pd-Au.
- The VTEMTM electromagnetic-magnetic anomaly interpreted to lie beneath the Fortin Sill showing has yet to be drilled.
Gary DeSchutter, Québec Nickel's Vice President of Exploration, remarks, "I am very fortunate to have worked at several high-quality nickel projects during my career, including at a producing PGE mine, and I can honestly say receiving assay results like these from the Fortin Sill target is very exciting. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else the Fortin Sill target, as well as the rest of this great project, delivers in the coming weeks and months."
Results from hole QDG-22-09 confirm and improve upon those from the 2008 Golden Valley drill hole which returned 0.38% Ni, 0.44% Cu and 0.65 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over a core interval of 20.7 metres (Québec Assessment report GM65886). The 31-metre-long mineralized intersection from QDG-22-09 represents a greater than 45% increase in intercept length compared to the 2008 Golden Valley hole. In addition, the Ni-Cu-PGE-Au grades within 18.50-metre-long sub-interval in QDG-22-09 are almost 20% higher than those from the 2008 hole. From the current drill hole, a 0.50-metre-long sample collected at 15.50-16.00 metres, which includes pyrrhotite-dominated semi-massive and next texture sulphides, returns 1.31% Ni, 0.38% Cu and 2.12 g/t Pt-Pd-Au (sample E947199, Figure 2). Of note, the 2008 hole did not encounter any semi-massive to net texture sulphides, or the corresponding higher-grade results, as is the case for QDG-22-09.
The initial geological interpretation of the Fortin Sill showing is that of a Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-mineralized differentiated mafic-ultramafic intrusion. This interpretation is supported by observations that the contacts between the different mafic and ultramafic rock units are gradational in nature, as well as the occurrence of brecciated contacts between the mineralized intrusion and host mafic volcanic +/- metasedimentary country rocks. Summary assays results are provided below in Table 1 and photographs of drill core from QDG-22-09 are presented in Figures 1 and 2.
Sulphide mineralization throughout the 31-metre-long core intersection, which is interpreted to be of primary magmatic in origin, consists of sub-metre to multi-metre-wide zones of interstitial, finely disseminated to patchy magmatic sulphides with subordinate intervals of semi-massive to net-texture sulphides (pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite) intercalated with multi-metre-long intervals containing coarse to very coarse blebby pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite. Host rocks to the sulphide mineralization include mafic and ultramafic intrusive units including gabbro, olivine-bearing gabbro and pyroxenite, with the pyroxenite units having undergone significant greenschist metamorphism-related alteration, essentially turning the rock into a chlorite schist. Further down the hole beyond the Ni-Cu-PGE-mineralized intrusion, the remainder of the 225-metre-long drill hole cored through a mixed sequence of intercalated sheared mafic volcanic and metasedimentary rocks before terminating in a >23-metre-long interval of strongly sheared and quartz-carbonate-veined ultramafic unit that contains trace to locally 1% finely disseminated pyrite + pyrrhotite. The entire length of the hole has been sampled; however, assay results have only been received for the top 79 metres of the hole.
Hole QDG-22-09 was collared several metres to the southwest of the stripped bedrock exposure of the Fortin Sill showing, drilled at a 45° azimuth and at a -45° dip. The drill collar for the original Golden Valley drill hole completed in 2008, GCF-08-07, has not been located since the casing was not left in the BQ diameter hole, but it assumed QDG-22-09 is located within 25 metres to the southwest of the historical hole based on the GPS coordinates provided in the Golden Valley drill log (Québec Assessment report GM65886). The Golden Valley assessment report indicates GCF-08-07 was drilled at a 45° azimuth and at a -45° dip, so it is therefore assumed the trace of QDG-22-09 undercuts the historical hole by +/- 25 metres.
Figure 1. Photographs of drill core from hole QDG-22-09. A - A 50 cm long piece of NQ diameter drill core showing large sulphide blebs (pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite) in strongly chlorite-altered pyroxenite (from 21.50-22.00 metres); B - photograph of sawed NQ core at 19.55 metre hole depth showing the chalcopyrite-rich nature of some of the coarse composite sulphide blebs (field of view across the bottom of the photograph is approximately 5 centimetres; Po = pyrrhotite, Cp = chalcopyrite); and C - blebby to patchy and disseminated sulphides in pyroxenite (sawed NQ diameter core; top row photograph centered at 33.40 metres depth, middle row centered at 38.70 metres depth and bottom row centered at 40.75 metres depth).
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