Quebec Nickel Corp. Update - Ducros Nickel-Copper-PGE Project, Abitibi Quebec

Quebec Nickel Corp. is reporting on its exploration activities on its 100%-owned Ducros Group Nickel-Copper-PGE Project, located in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, northwestern Quebec.
20,000 Metre 2022 Drill Program:
The first phase of the 2022 drill program will commence field operations on January 18th, on the Fortin Ni-Cu-PGE Showing (East Sector of Property). Drill targets (see Company News Release of November 25, 2021 ) to be tested are based on results from the 2020 ground electromagnetic (ARMIT-TDEM) survey, the 2021 stripping and mapping program, and on-going property-scale compilation and 3D geological modelling. Further details of the first phase program will follow in separate press release in advance of the drill start-up.
1,717-line kilometre VTEMTM (Geotech) Airborne Geophysical System Survey
The crew is scheduled to mobilize to the property in the third week of January, contingent on weather conditions and/or any technical issues. Based on the results of the survey data interpretation, selective follow-up ground truthing geophysical surveying and prospecting/sampling will be conducted over high-priority electromagnetic conductors. The primary objective of this work is to identify new Ni-Cu-PGE drill targets associated with untested mafic-ultramafic intrusions over the large Ducros Group property holdings, within areas of limited exploration work and/or thick overburden cover. (see Company News Release dated August 23, 2021 )
About Quebec Nickel Corp.
Quebec Nickel Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on acquiring, exploring, and developing nickel projects in Quebec, Canada. The Company has 100% interest in the Ducros Group Property, consisting of 280 contiguous mining claims covering 15,147 hectares within the Abitibi region located in Quebec, Canada. Additional information on Quebec Nickel Corp. is available at
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