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Ready Set Gold appoints directors, amends stock option plan and grants options

Feb 14, 2022

Ready Set Gold Corp. has announcde the appointment of Mr. Alexander McAulay to the Board of Directors effective February 9, 2022 and the appointment of Mr. Christopher Huggins to the Board of Directors effective February 11, 2022. Ready Set Gold also announces the resignation of Mr. Peter Simeon from its Board of Directors.

Mr. McAulay was recently appointed as CEO on January 14, 2022. He had previously served as a director of the Company from March 16, 2020 to October 12, 2021.

Mr. Huggins is experienced in grassroots exploration geology, mining, construction, and technology industries and will provide a broad range of insights to the Company. Following a Bachelor of Science in Honours Geology from the University of British Columbia, Mr. Huggins began his career as an exploration geologist with Homestake Mining in regional exploration around Eskay Creek Mine, Snip Mine and Stewart camps, and including project evaluations and large scale geological and structural mapping in northern Chile. His involvement over the past ten years in project feasibility, financing and development of creative capital equipment packages has provided mining projects and operating mines with unique opportunities to drive efficiency and manage operational risk.

The Company also announces that the Board of Directors has approved the amendment to its Stock Option Plan from a 10% rolling plan to a 20% fixed plan. The amened Stock Option Plan is subject to shareholder approval at the Company's next Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). The Company has granted 1,500,000 stock options to directors, employees and consultants, pursuant to its amended Stock Option Plan, at an exercise of $0.14 per share. The Options will be exercisable for a period of five years and will vest quarterly for a period of one year. 

About Ready Set Gold Corporation

Ready Set Gold Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under symbol RDY and the Boerse Frankfurt Exchange as 0MZ. The Company owns a 100% interest in the Northshore Gold Project, located in the Schreiber-Hemlo Greenstone Belt near Thunder Bay, Ontario which is prospective for gold and silver mineralization. The Company also owns a 100% interest in two separate claim blocks totaling 4,453 hectares known as the Hemlo Eastern Flanks Project. The Company also holds an option to acquire a 100% undivided interest in a continuous claim block totaling 1,634 hectares comprising the Emmons Peak Project located 50 km south of Dryden, Ontario that is near the Treasury Metals Goliath and Goldlund advanced gold development projects.

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