Riverside hits gold in 8 of 12 holes at Oakes Project in Geraldton area

Riverside Resources Inc. is reporting assay results for the remaining 7 drillholes of its twelve-hole, 1700-meter diamond drill program completed at the Oakes Gold Project (the "Project") in northwestern Ontario. The primary focus of the first drill program at Oakes was to test the 'HG' Target identified by geophysics and trenching programs for gold grades and continuity. The results came back favorable with hole 22-11 returning 5 intervals of gold over a total interval of 55 meters and hole 22-06 returning 4m @ 1.7 g/t Au. The Induced Polarization (IP) work conducted by Riverside in the summer of 2021 showed the HG IP Target extended westward beyond the area of trenching and sampling. Drilling this year has now confirmed the gold continuity of over 1.2 kilometer strike, hitting the mineralized structure and further open in both east and west. The drill results announced here fit with the orogenic gold model and further drilling can be progressed with confidence as all the holes of this program were shallow, with intercepts at less than 120m for most cases, while the system is wide open at depth.
This drill campaign has now successfully expanded the known gold mineralization well beyond the outcrops and laid the groundwork for the next drill campaign to continue expanding the Oakes gold camp. IP data provided strong conductivity and complimentary resistivity anomaly trending roughly east-west parallel to the geological units with greater confidence. The 7 holes announced here intercepted favorable geology of metavolcanics, "greenstone", consistent with the geology noted in the first five holes and further geological constraints. As this part of Oakes has never been drilled, the first drill program comprised of shallow holes with the intent of intercepting the target at 100 m vertical below surface. The mineralized zone on surface is known to pinch and swell and averages about 5 m in width. The best hole in the second batch of reporting was DDH-22-06 which returned 1.7 g/t over 4 m with one sample being almost 5 g/t gold. The best intercept in the program was 8.4 g/t over 1 m in Hole #2.
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