RJK Explorations Update

RJK Explorations Ltd. has completed two exploration diamond drill holes to test distinct undrilled anomalies on the Huff patents in Bucke Township, which RJK optioned in October 2024. These anomalies were identified as potential kimberlites; however, neither target was found to be a kimberlite. A description of the drill holes provided by our Project Geologist is included below.
RJK has also identified three privately held patented claim groups with potential kimberlite targets, and negotiations to acquire these properties are ongoing.
In addition, RJK has decided to expand its exploration program to include precious metals and polymetallic metals. Further information on this initiative will be provided once negotiations with the existing property owners are finalized.
Below is an overview of the Huff drill program, as described by RJK's Project Manager, Peter Hubacheck:
Over the past two years, RJK has reviewed the glacial history of the Temiskaming area and outlined two targets of interest for potential kimberlite or metallic mineralization. Based on this in-house compilation, the data was submitted to a third-party expert for confirmation. In October 2023, RJK conducted a drone magnetic survey over two discrete magnetic targets located up-ice of a kimberlite indicator mineral train in the southwest corner of Bucke Township. Magnetic inversion modeling was employed to supplement the vertical gradient magnetic low and high targets flanking the Cross Lake Fault. In the third quarter of 2024, RJK executed an option agreement to acquire the Huff Property covering these targets.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, RJK drilled two holes testing these features as detailed in Table 1.
Drill hole HUFF-24-01 was oriented toward a concentric (180m x 200m) magnetic low target and drilled to an inclined depth of 150m. This hole intersected a thick assemblage of interbedded mudstone and greywacke beds of the Temiskaming Group. Selective sampling of calcite crackle-brecciated zones with minor disseminated pyrite was assayed for gold and silver, but no significant results were obtained.
Drill hole HUFF-24-02 was oriented toward a linear magnetic high feature (400m W x 800m L) flanking the Cross Lake Fault. The angled hole was drilled to a depth of 155m. From 8.1m to 30m, the core consisted of mudstone and greywacke. From 30m to 136m, the hole intersected a sequence of jasperoid banded iron formation interbedded with mudstone and disseminated pyrite. Within this interval, 14 banded iron formation layers with millimetric red jasper cherty laminations were sampled. These Fe-rich beds averaged 28.5% Fe over true thicknesses ranging from 0.75m to 1m. They also returned anomalous manganese results, averaging 738 ppm.
Preliminary results from drill hole HUFF-24-02 indicate the presence of critical metals iron and manganese on the Huff Property.
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