Rockridge commences 3,000m drill program at Raney Gold Project southwest of Timmins

Rockridge Resources has announced that its 3,000 metre minimum drill program has commenced at its high-grade Raney Gold Project located southwest of Timmins. The drill program will include approximately 11 drill holes which will range in depth between 200 metres and 350 metres to test the strike and down-plunge extent of the high-grade intercepts identified during the previous drilling programs.
Raney Gold Project Location Map:
"We are excited to continue drilling the high-priority targets at our strategically located Raney Gold Project." said Grant Ewing, CEO of Rockridge Resources. “Our team has carefully selected targets to follow-up on the high-grade gold mineralization previously discovered at Raney, including a highlight intercept of 28 grams per tonne gold over 6 metres at approximately 100 metres depth from our last program. With only 5,500 metres of historical drilling at the Project, we have identified other prospective targets that will be drill tested with the intent of making new discoveries elsewhere on the property. This program will be an important catalyst for Rockridge in the coming months as we continue to see momentum building in the gold market.”
- The Raney Gold Project is a large prospective gold property covering ~2,800 hectares located ~110 km southwest of the prolific gold district of Timmins, Ontario
- A fully-funded and permitted minimum 3,000 metre diamond drilling program (approximately 11 holes) is now underway
- The program is being carried out by Missinaibi Drilling Services Ltd., a 100% Aboriginally owned and operated independent drilling contractor company; their management has many years of experience including substantial expertise in the Timmons district where they work with Newmont at the Borden Mine Project adjacent to the Raney Project
- A drilling program completed earlier in the year (2,070 metres in nine diamond drill holes) to assess the potential of the mineralized gold system returned a highlight intercept of 28.0 g/t gold over 6.0 metres (see news release dated April 29, 2020)
- A recently completed summer field exploration program focused on delineating and prioritizing target areas along the broad gold bearing structural zone
- Gold mineralization is associated with broad intervals of higher concentrations of narrow quartz veins hosted in an extensive structural corridor that may extend over several hundred metres, with no drilling completed over a large extent of this corridor; the mineralized structure is open along strike and at depth
- Property has excellent access and infrastructure and is accessible by paved and forestry roads bringing the drill costs down
Diamond Drilling Program Plan:
The first five holes of the drill program will test priority targets down-plunge of known high-grade gold zones. Specifically, a primary drill target will be the down-plunge extension of the previously reported high-grade drill intercept which returned 28.0 g/t Au over 6.0 metres (uncut) from 125.0 metres to 131.0 metres in hole RN 20-06.
Cross Section of High-Grade Gold Mineralization in Hole RN 20-06:
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles