Romios begins drill program at Lundmark-Akow Lake, NW Ontario

Romios Gold Resources Inc. has completed an initial month-long program of field work on the company's extensive claims in the Golden Triangle and that the crew has now mobilised to NW Ontario and has commenced diamond drilling on the Lundmark-Akow Lake gold and base metal prospects.
Lundmark-Akow Lake Property, NW Ontario: Following a number of delays due to the industry-wide shortage of diamond drillers and the severe forest fire situation in NW Ontario that prevented any field work for several weeks, Romios' geological team and a drill crew are on site and drilling is in process. A series of drill holes is planned to test three VMS horizons, intersected with one hole each in 2019, that returned assays up to 1.26% Cu and 2.4 g/t Au over 3.25 m. Detailed analysis of the geophysical (EM) responses over the VMS zones has since outlined stronger portions of these 300 - 500 m long conductors, as well as a number of even stronger conductors along strike that are yet to be drilled. A high-grade gold-quartz vein intersected in 2019, just 300 m from a VMS Zone, assayed 8.64 g/t Au over 4.75 m, believed to be the most significant gold intercept in the North Caribou Lake greenstone belt outside of the Musselwhite mine property. Several large "Red Lake style, epithermal-looking" calcite veins up to 7 m wide, with sporadic gold values up to 3 g/t Au over 1 m, were found near the gold-quartz vein and their presence suggests that the gold-bearing fluids were part of a deep-seated, potentially widespread system. An airborne VLF-Mag survey undertaken in 2020 by Terraquest on Romios' behalf outlined a series of cross-cutting geophysical trends that may well reflect the controlling structures for the local gold mineralization and these are now high-priority targets for the current drill program as well.
The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by John Biczok, P. Geo., VP-Exploration for Romios Gold and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. In addition to his extensive experience with several major mining companies exploring for a wide variety of ore deposit types across Canada and India, Mr. Biczok spent 12 years conducting exploration and research at the Musselwhite gold mine in NW Ontario.
About Romios Gold Resources Inc.
Romios Gold Resources Inc. is a progressive Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in precious- and base-metal exploration, focused primarily on gold, silver and copper. It has 100% interest in the Lundmark-Akow Lake gold-copper property in northwestern Ontario and extensive claim holdings covering several significant porphyry copper-gold prospects in the "Golden Triangle" of British Columbia. Additional interests include two former producers, the La Corne molybdenum mine property (Quebec) and a former high-grade gold producer, the Scossa mine property (Nevada). The Company also retains a 2% NSR on the Hislop gold property and a 2% NSR and 20% carried (to pre-feasibility) interest in the Thunder Bay Silver properties in Ontario. For more information, visit
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