Romios Gold expands Stockwork Zone on Lundmark-Akow Lake Project in NWO

Romios Gold Resources Inc. is reporting on the results of two diamond drill holes completed in September 2021 on the Gold-Copper Stockwork target at the Lundmark-Akow Lake project in NW Ontario. These two holes were part of a nine-hole program totalling 1,756 metres, drilled from 8 sites to test a variety of targets across this very large, 7,800-hectare property that is host to at least 4 different types of gold and copper zones.
- The main gold-copper stockwork has appreciable widths and grades across a significant strike length of greater than 125 m and is open down dip and along strike in both directions.
- Broad zones of stockwork veinlet type mineralization were intersected at shallow depths in hole RGR-21-04, assaying up to:
- 3.3 g/t Gold Equivalent (Au Eq) (2.6 g/t Au, 0.39% Cu) over 16.9 metres (Drilled Width / "DW")
- Including 5.1 g/t Au Eq (4.3 g/t Au, 0.46% Cu) over 9.8 m and 16.9 g/t Au Eq (16.03 g/t Au, 0.54% Cu) over 2.45 m.
- The same mineralized zone was intersected in two drill holes in 2019 (see Map 1 & Table 1 below and News Release December 5, 2019). A parallel, narrower zone grading 5.7 g/t Au and 0.24% Cu over 2.5 m was intersected a further 120 m along strike in hole RGR-21-07.
- Mineralization is developed adjacent to a swarm of quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) intrusions which are very abundant, large, and somewhat unique to the NW part of the property.
- The aeromagnetic pattern of this area suggests that the QFP intrusions are very extensive and provides numerous additional drill targets for this type of shallow, potentially open-pitable mineralization.
- The diamond drill rig has been left on the property in order to carry out follow-up drilling in 2022.
"There is a good deal of intriguing mineralization in this project area," commented Stephen Burega, President of Romios. "Almost every drill hole intersects gold-copper mineralization, often 2 or 3 different types. The majority of this belt of rocks is quite barren so to find a spot under relatively thin overburden cover like northwest Lundmark-Akow where there is such a clustering of mineralization is very encouraging and we believe that this work could lead to a significant discovery".
Broad stockwork zones of chalcopyrite veinlet type mineralization in relatively fresh volcanic rock were first discovered by drilling in 2019 and now again in 2021 (see Map 1 below). Starting 53.0 m downhole, hole RGR-21-04 intersected 16.9 metres assaying 3.3 g/t Au Eq (2.6 g/t Au, 0.39% Cu), including higher grade intervals of 5.1 g/t Au Eq (4.3 g/t Au, 0.46% Cu) over 9.8 m and 16.9 g/t Au Eq (16.03 g/t Au, 0.54% Cu) over 2.45 m (see Table 1 below). (The True Width of drill intercepts is estimated to be about 70-80% of the drilled width and they are expected to project to the bedrock surface under 5 to 7 m of overburden). This intercept is now the central one of three similar intercepts over a strike length of about 125 m and the mineralization remains open to the SE and NW along strike for some distance. Hole RGR-19-06, drilled 59 m to the SE in 2019, intersected 0.35% Cu over 33.7 m, with gold values ranging from nil to 2.85 g/t Au, beginning just 8 m downhole at the start of bedrock (see Romios news release August 19, 2019). The same zone was intersected in RGR-19-10, drilled 67 m to the NW, and returned 22.6 m @ 2.0 g/t Au Eq (1.2 g/t Au, 0.46% Cu) (including a 3.25 m interval of VMS style mineralization at 1.26% Cu, 2.4 g/t Au).
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles