RT Minerals starts drilling Norwalk Gold Property near Wawa
RT Minerals Corp.has commenced drilling at its 100% owned Norwalk gold property near Wawa.
The initial drilling will consist of at least five holes totaling approximately 1400m of drilling and will test a large geophysical anomaly coincident with the Gananoque vein near the northwest portion of the Property, as well as test to depth the Red Carbonate Zone ("RCZ") discovery made by the Company in 2017-18.
The Property is comprised of 12 single cell claims and 21 boundary cell claims, covering an area of 460 hectares and is subject to a 2% net smelter return royalty retained by the original property vendors.
Gold discoveries were made within the Property boundaries starting around 1904. Subsequent work in the early 1900's included shaft sinking and limited underground development at Norwalk Gold Mine and Fred C Shaft, tunneling at Gananoque Vein and driving adits at the Barton Occurrence. Limited gold production occurred from the Norwalk Gold Mine in 1904 and 1910 totaling 60 ounces of gold from 820 tons milled. A few small scale exploration programs including diamond drilling, geophysics, bedrock sampling, till sampling and geological mapping were completed in the period from 1962 to 1997.
The Property is located in the southern part of the Wawa Greenstone Belt. Gold, silver, zinc, copper and iron mineralization are the common associated metallic occurrences found in the belt. On the Property, the predominant rocks are Keewatin Volcanics and Algoman Intrusives.
Fracturing and faulting play a most important role in the area. The known gold bearing veins are spatially and structurally related to these features. The two main directions of weakness strike N20-45W and N45-70E. The gold bearing quartz veins trend nearly parallel to the major lines of weakness and are located in close proximity to these structures.
The historical reports document several old shafts, adits and trenches within the Property boundary including the four main gold bearing mineralized zones. At the former Norwalk Gold Mine, gold occurs within pyrite and arsenopyrite mineralized quartz, that lies in sheared granodiorite, and mineralized schist composed of sericite, pyrite and arsenopyrite. At the Fred C Shaft, gold is associated with numerous massive pyrite-pyrrhotite fracture fillings within intermediate metavolcanics. Gold also occurs in-feldspar porphyry. At the Gananoque Vein, gold occurs in quartz veins with approximately 2% disseminated pyrite, within strongly carbonatized intermediate volcanic rocks. At the Barton Occurrence, gold occurs in quartz veins mineralized with pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite, along two parallel bands of iron formation approximately six feet (~2 metres) wide and four feet (~1.3 metres) wide with green schist in between.
The magnetics and induced polarization carried out by past and current operators have reinforced the geological mineralized trends. Numerous historic showings are coincident to the geophysics and the sampling and stripping verified gold mineralization and led to the discovery of the gold bearing 2 metre to 5 metre wide quartz complex of the RCZ in 2017 which carried values of up to 27.4 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) over 1 metre (RT Minerals Corp. Press Release March 2, 2018). The sampling completed to date shows that there is low and high grade gold mineralization with a gold nugget effect locally. Gold mineralization is hosted by narrow high grade sections with visible gold as well as low grade mineralization in quartz and in the schist of the footwall and hanging wall of the overall gold bearing section of the RCZ.
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