Sixth Covid-19 case reported from Alamos' Young-Davidson Mine

The Timiskaming Health Unit reported Sunday that a new case of COVID-19 has occurred in the area. The individual is self-isolating and following public health direction. Through contact tracing, Public Health is notifying all close contacts directly. The health unit says if you are not contacted by Public Health, you are not considered a close contact. The new reported case (#18), is from the Northern part of the THU district (Kirkland Lake and area). This is the sixth case linked to the outbreak at the Young –Davidson mine located just outside of Matachewan however it is the first case reported in the count for Timiskaming based on primary residence location. Investigation is ongoing and all cases are part of the same work group. All cases and contacts are followed by Public Health. THU has been working closely with mine management who are taking the necessary precautions.
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