SPC Nickel Intersects 2.48% Nickel and 0.64% Copper at the West Graham Project, Sudbury, Ontario

SPC Nickel Corp. released initial assay results from its Phase 1 drilling campaign at the recently consolidated West Graham and Crean Hill 3 properties including results of the massive sulphides reported in hole WG-23-026.
Hole WG-23-026, intersected 2.48% Ni, 0.64% Cu over 7.8 metres within a larger 143.0 metre wide zone of 'West Graham-style' mineralization consisting of 5 to 20% disseminated to blebby sulphides.
Individual massive sulphide samples returned values as high as 5.88% Ni over 0.57 metres.
Hole WG-23-020, intersected 0.53% Ni, 0.27% Cu (0.63% NiEq) over 44.0 metres. To date, fourteen holes for 2,097 metres have been completed.
"We are excited to announce the first assay results from our current drilling on the Crean Hill 3 side of the West Graham Project,” said Grant Mourre, CEO and President of SPC Nickel. “These results demonstrate two important facts: first, the massive sulphide intersected in hole WG-23-026 confirms that the property has the potential to host high-grade, high-tenor nickel-copper massive sulphides between the previous wide spaced drilling completed in the 1950's; and second, the results to date of our infill drilling has returned thick intervals of nickel and copper mineralization that is consistent with or better than the historic indicated and inferred resource. Given that we have only just started the infill drilling program with many holes left to drill, we're excited to continue to grow and expand the mineralized zone on the West Graham Property."
The Lockerby East Project hosts both the historic West Graham and Lockerby East deposits. In 2009, First Nickel Inc. disclosed a historical resource estimate1 of 8.55Mt @ 0.45% Ni and 0.31% Cu (indicated) and 2.0Mt @ 0.38% Ni and 0.30% Cu (inferred) for the West Graham deposit. These grades have economic potential in the context of the Sudbury Mining Camp, as the deposit is located near to surface and may be amenable to low-cost open pit mining.
The deposit is characterized by a broad zone of disseminated to semi-massive sulphide that ranges from 1.7 to 66 metres thick and strikes for 375 metres with a dip extent of up to 533 metres. Within the larger resource, a distinct zone of higher-grade mineralization grading ~1% NiEq. is present. At depth, the West Graham deposit is interpreted to be contiguous with the high-grade Lockerby East deposit where, historic resources of 0.22 Mt @ 2.43% Ni and 0.78% Cu2 (indicated + inferred) are hosted.
The company considers the West Graham and Lockerby East resource estimates to be historic mineral resources for purposes of NI 43-101. Neither the company nor a qualified person on behalf of the company have done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources and the company is not treating such historical estimates as current mineral resources. The company considers the historic mineral resource estimates to be relevant to an understanding of the West Graham Project but has not done any work to validate the estimates.
The Sudbury Mining Camp is the 2nd largest Ni camp in the world, with over 130 years of continuous production. Since the discovery of the original ore deposits, over 11.1 million metric tons of Ni and 10.8 million metric tons of Cu, together with by-products of cobalt, silver, gold and platinum group elements have been mined from the deposits. Production continues to be generated from eight major mine complex and 21 smaller ore deposits around the outer margin of the Sudbury Basin; the principal mines are owned and operated by international mining companies (Vale, Glencore, and KGHM International). The economic wealth generated at Sudbury in terms of nickel and copper value alone is close to US$500 billion.
SPC Nickel Corp. is a Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. SPC Nickel is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration project Lockerby East located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp that includes the Graham West Resource and the Crean Hill 3 property under option from Vale. The Company also holds three additional projects across Canada including the large camp-scale Muskox Project (located in Nunavut), the past producing Aer-Kidd Project (located in the Sudbury Mining Camp) and the Janes Project (located 50 km northwest of Sudbury). The corporate focus is on Sudbury, and SPC Nickel continues to look for new opportunities to add shareholder value. Additional information regarding SPC Nickel and its projects can be found at www.spcnickel.com.
For further information: visit www.spcnickel.com or contact: Grant Mourre, Chief Executive Officer, SPC Nickel Corp., Tel: (705) 669-1777, Email: gmourre@spcnickel.com

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