Thunder Gold receives C$200,000 Grant from Ontario Junior Exploration Program

Thunder Gold Corp. has been selected to receive up to C$200,000 from the Ontario Government's Junior Exploration Program which will be used to fund geophysical and geochemical surveys of the 4,638 hectare PEN Gold property, centered approximately 9 kms east of Geraldton, Ontario.
"We are very pleased to have been selected as a recipient of OJEP funding in 2023. This funding is vital to supporting grass roots exploration of mineral projects throughout Ontario. The OJEP funding shall offset the exploration costs at our PEN property, located 9.0 kilometres east of Geraldton, Ontario and 4.0 kilometres north of the Greenstone Gold Project, currently being developed by others. Over 4.0 million ounces of historical gold production were produced from several former producing mines near Geraldton and the development of the Greenstone Project clearly demonstrates the discovery potential of this region of Ontario. Our initial reconnaissance work last year returned multiple anomalous gold results in rock, soils and lake sediment samples, prompting us to stake additional claims in this exciting district. We currently have field teams deployed at PEN completing a systematic soil geochemistry survey of the property. Quotes have been solicited and received from qualified geophysical contractors for a high resolution airborne magnetic - electro-magnetic survey of property in the fall. Results of the geochemical and geophysical surveys are expected to yield multiple targets for field follow up during the 2024 summer field season."
"Our government's investments in our Ontario Junior Exploration Program are paying off and this is another fantastic example of what happens when you provide funding for junior exploration companies operating in Ontario," said Minister of Mines George Pirie. "OJEP will help terrific companies like Thunder Gold Corp. continue to find the mines of the future that will not only sustain our economy but grow it as well."
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