Trojan Gold provides Watershed Property exploration update

Trojan Gold Inc. (CSE: TGII) (OTCQB: TRJGF) ("Trojan" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its preliminary prospecting program described in its press release of July 6, 2022.
Of the four chosen targets of potential economic significance on its Watershed property in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt (Figure 1), Trojan has started the prospecting and sampling program of Target Area # 4 under a current exploration permit. Target Area # 4 is within 0.5 km of Goldshore Resources Inc.'s ("Goldshore") Moss Lake gold property. All four targets have year-round access via Highway 11, which runs through the Watershed property.
Figure 1: Trojan Gold's Watershed Property Target Areas
To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:
According to Goldshore's investor presentation on its website, from 1957 to 1967 the North Coldstream Mine produced 102,000lbs Cu, 44,000oz Au and 440,000oz Ag. Goldshore's investor presentation also indicates that it has plans to commence drilling gold and copper targets at North Coldstream in late Q2 - early Q3 2022. The North Coldstream Mine is approximately four km southwest from Watershed's Target Area # 4.
At present, Trojan's sampling program is expected to extend through the summer, following which samples will be assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd. ("Actlabs"). These assay results will guide the most prospective areas for trenching and channel sampling, which will then be followed by a drill program. Figures 2-4 highlight some of TGI's initial surface findings:
Figure 2
Tension fractures in rhyolite, indicating that the rock has undergone brittle deformation sometime after formation.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:
Figure 3
Hand specimen of magnetite rich, brecciated rhyolite, classic sign of IOCG type mineralization.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 3, please visit:
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles