Underground drilling at PureGold Red Lake Mine Intersects 12.8 g/t over 10m

The news for Pure Gold keeps getting better and better. The company released data this morning that underground exploration drilling has intersected high-grade gold mineralization from step-out drill holes drilled close to existing underground development. Drilling has extended gold mineralization out from current design stopes, has discovered new gold zones that will be integrated into mine planning, and has confirmed stopes scheduled for near term production.
Drilling results highlights:
o 12.8 g/t gold over 10.0 metres from drill hole PGU-0136; including
20.1 g/t gold over 5.0 metres;
o 9.3 g/t gold over 2.4 metres from drill hole PGU-0123; including
16.2 g/t gold over 1.1 metres;
o 10.6 g/t gold over 2.0 metres from drill hole PGU-0124;
A summary table of results is set out at the end of this News Release.
“These latest high-grade gold intercepts continue to reinforce our near-term growth plan for the PureGold Red Lake Mine and to exhibit the tremendous strength, continuity and scalability of this high-grade gold system,” stated Darin Labrenz, President and CEO of PureGold. “Underground exploration drilling continues to extend stopes that are part of our near term mine plan, and to discover brand new gold zones which could have a direct net positive impact on our production profile, and because of their proximity to existing development a potential impact to near term cash flow at our mine. In this case we have more than doubled the strike length of a planned stope, further demonstrating the dramatic transformative growth potential of our PureGold Mine. We have only just begun a 30,000 metre exploration program, which will span across our seven kilometre gold corridor, and already we’re delivering on our objective of building a multigenerational mining complex in Red Lake, Canada.”
Diamond drilling continues to identify extensions to design stopes, providing opportunity for additional high grade tonnes from existing or planned development. Previous drilling in the MV1280-3815 stope area, including 46.7 g/t gold over 7.0 metres from drill hole PGU-0118, demonstrated potential for eastern and western extension of that stope. 2 Drill holes PGU-0123 and PGU-0124 have further extended mineralization highlighting the opportunity for significant growth of this stope. Prior to underground drilling, the modelled stope had a strike length of 40 metres. Current drilling has shown the potential to extend the strike length of this stope to 100 metres.
Several diamond drill holes (PGU-0132 to PGU-0138) were also completed to test for potential extensions of stoping areas in the hanging wall of the 2018 test mining area.
Drill Results Summary
New assay results from select drill holes are outlined below:
Hole IDFrom (m)To (m)Length (m)Gold (g/t)
*Assay composites were calculated using uncut assays and true widths are interpreted to vary from 70-90% (80%, on average) of reported core lengths above.
For a set of recent images from underground, click link below:
For a complete list of 2020 drill results, click link below:
About Pure Gold Mining Inc.
The PureGold Red Lake Mine is Canada’s next gold mine. Fully funded, the project is on track to deliver near term gold production into a rising Canadian gold price environment, with first production scheduled for late 2020. The orebody is situated within a seven-kilometre-long gold system that is wide open for expansion at depth and along strike, and multiple discoveries by the Company suggest potential opportunities for near-term growth.
Additional information about the Company and its activities may be found on the Company’s website at www.puregoldmining.ca and under the Company’s profile at www.sedar.com.
- For further information, see the technical report titled “Madsen Gold Project Technical Report Feasibility Study for the Madsen Deposit Red Lake, Ontario, Canada“ with an effective date of February 5, 2019, and dated July 5, 2019 (the “Feasibility Study”), for further information, available at www.puregoldmining.ca or under the Company’s Sedar profile at www.sedar.com
- For further information see news release dated July 7, 2020
QA/QC and Core Sampling Protocols
Drill core samples are submitted to ALS Minerals in Thunder Bay, Ontario for sample preparation by crushing to 70% less than 2 mm, a rotary split of 1 kg, and pulverization of the split to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Sample pulps are shipped to the ALS assay laboratory in North Vancouver, BC for gold analysis with a 30 g fire assay and AAS finish (code Au-AA23). Samples returning >5 g/t Au are re-assayed with a gravimetric finish (code GRA21). Mineralized zones with visible gold and shoulder samples are also analyzed by a 1 kg screen fire assay with screening to 100 microns. A duplicate 30 g fire assay is conducted on the screen undersize with assaying of the entire oversize fraction (code Au-SCR21). Control samples (certified standards and uncertified blanks), along with field, prep and pulp duplicates, are inserted on a regular basis. Results are assessed for accuracy, precision, and contamination on an ongoing basis.
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