Wallbridge Mining Company Starts Exploration Program at its Martiniere Project

Wallbridge Mining Company Limited has launched its 2023 exploration program at its Martiniere Gold Project with a drilling campaign and a high-resolution aerial magnetic survey.
One drill been moved to Martiniere, with a second expected to mobilize at the beginning of May to complete the 23,500 metres of drilling planned for 2023. A third drill will remain at the Fenelon Project location for deployment at the surrounding properties for continued testing on high-priority exploration targets in the Fenelon area.
“With our 2023 exploration program at Martiniere now up and running, we will focus on expanding the footprint and assessing the size of this developing resource,” commented Attila Péntek, Wallbridge’s Vice President, Exploration.
Since the start-up of drilling in February this year, the company has completed a total of approximately 10,500 metres of exploration drilling at Fenelon and assay results are currently pending for these holes.
“Our 2021-2022 drill programs significantly increased the existing Martiniere mineral resource estimate and we see a lot of potential for further growth,” Péntek noted . “This year, we are also completing an aerial magnetic survey that will provide us with high-resolution data across the Martiniere property. This, in conjunction with the ongoing drill results and field programs planned for later this year, will result in a better definition of the geology of the known deposit and nearby exploration targets.”
The updated MRE at Martiniere contains 0.68 million ounces of gold in the indicated category and 0.63 million ounces of gold in the inferred category (see press release dated January 17, 2023 and 43-101 Technical Report filed on SEDAR on March 3, 2023).
Mineralization at the Martiniere deposit can be divided into two main trends:
• the NNW-trending Bug Lake Trend, and
• the NE-trending Martiniere West Trend.
The 2023 program at Martiniere will focus on growing the footprint of the deposit by building upon recent drill results, as well as follow up on historic drilling results and testing important structures.
2023 Martiniere Exploration Drill Targets
• Target 1. Martiniere Eastern Extension: Following up on 2022 exploration program east of the Bug Lake Fault Zone including 4.07 g/t Au over 24.10 m and 15.90 g/t Au over 3.00 m.
• Target 2. Horsefly Eastern Extension + Bug Lake Deep: Following up the Horsefly zone near surface and the Bug Lake Zone at a vertical depth of 500-600 m, 200-300 m below the MRE.
• Target 3. Southeast gabbro contact: Following up on the 2021 program that intersected mineralization, including 2.21 g/t Au over 36.60 m, west of the Bug Lake South zones within a gabbro unit at depth. This gabbro is interpreted to be the extension of the gabbro that hosts the Martiniere West Zones and remains untested in this area.
Target 4. Martiniere Southwest Extension: Testing the continuation of the mineralization in the gabbro hosting Martiniere West to the southwest. Property-wide Grassroots Exploration Will Be Conducted at the Following Locations:
• Target 5. Sunday Lake Deformation zone (“SLDZ”): Testing the intersection of the northern contact of the SLDZ with the gabbro and Martiniere West zones.
• Target 6. Upper SLDZ splay: Testing an interpreted NW splay of the SLDZ that hosts a historic result of 30.4 g/t Au over 0.44 m and the mineralization intersected in 2021 on the adjacent Casault Property.
• Target 7. Lac-Du-Doigt West: The continuation of the Lac-Du-Doigt deformation zone to the west, along which historic drilling consistently intersected Au-bearing zones. Gabbroic units interpreted to be like that which hosts Martiniere West zones are also present along this structure.
• Target 8. Martiniere North extension: large step-outs along the NW structure hosting Martiniere North zones, targeting electro-magnetic (EM) anomalies to the northwest.
Additional 2023 Exploration Programs
A heliborne magnetic survey: A survey is planned to commence in the next week and cover Martiniere at 50 m line spacing, doubling the resolution of the existing dataset. In conjunction with drilling and mapping, the results will help to constrain important structures and aid with geologic interpretation. The survey is expected to be completed by the end of April.
Prospecting and outcrop mapping will be don at several areas deemed prospective for outcrop mapping through remote sensing and review of historic work. With the majority of Wallbridge’s land package being overlain with significant overburden, these outcrops can provide critical information on structures and rock units to improve the geologic understanding and help develop targets for future drill programs.
Wallbridge’s flagship project, Fenelon Gold is in the highly prospective Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend Property in Québec’s Northern Abitibi region. An updated mineral resource estimate completed in January 2023 yielded significantly improved grades and additional ounces at the Fenelon and Martiniere projects, incorporating a combined 3.05 million ounces of indicated gold resources and 2.35 million ounces of inferred gold resources.
Fenelon and Martiniere are located within an 830 km2 exploration land package controlled by Wallbridge. The company believes that these two deposits have good potential for economic development, especially given their proximity to existing hydro-electric power and transportation infrastructure. In addition, Wallbridge believes that the extensive land package is extremely prospective for the discovery of additional gold deposits.
Wallbridge also holds a 19.9% interest in the common shares of Archer Exploration Corp because of the sale of the Company’s portfolio of nickel assets in Ontario and Québec in November of 2022.
For further information visit www.wallbridgemining.com or contact:
Marz Kord
President & CEO
Tel: (705) 682‒9297 ext. 251
Email: mkord@wallbridgemining.com
Victoria Vargas, B.Sc. (Hon.) Economics, MBA
Investor Relations Advisor
Email: vvargas@wallbridgemining.com

Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles