White Metal Initiates DasVision IP Survey and Begins Drilling on the Tower Stock Gold Project, Ontario

White Metal Resources Corp. have contracted Abitibi Geophysics Inc. to complete a DasVision Induced Polarization geophysical survey on its Tower Stock Gold Project. The Project, which has not seen any exploration activity for more than eight years, is located about 40 km west-northwest of the port city of Thunder Bay, Ontario and consists of 126 unpatented mining claims and 157 ha of patented lands, covering in total about 1 944 hectares (19.44 square km).
Michael Stares, President and CEO of White Metal, commented, "I am pleased to see the drill turning on the Property and the implementation of the DasVision IP survey. We have a robust database with historical drilling information and data, as well as historical and current surface sampling that gives us great confidence in the targets we have chosen for our first phase drilling program. I am convinced that the IP survey will further enhance the Project and give us a lot more information for future drilling programs, including more information on how the zones are connected, and provide new near-surface and deeper-seated targets."
The DasVision distributed array survey is designed for deep mineral exploration, up to 1000 m depth, and includes a 3D inversion of the data to allow for integration with our existing exploration work. The IP survey will encompass an area of approximately 4 x 4 km, covering some of the Company's main exploration targets including the U-V Zone and the Bench Zone areas. To date, there have been various historical IP surveys done over the Property but these have covered only small portions of the Property.
The Company believes that the DasVision IP survey will provide a better understanding of the structures that are likely controlling gold distribution and will also provide quality subsurface information about the approximately 700 m gap between the U-V and Bench zones. The IP survey is designed to test depths of +800 m and will take approximately four weeks to complete. Once the IP survey is complete, all of the data will be integrated with the Company's database of historical drill hole and surface sampling, and a 3D model will be generated.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles