Xander Expands Claims to Over 21,000 Acres in Val-d'Or East Senneville
The Senneville property is located in the eastern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, about 30 km north of the gold mining centre of Val-d'Or. It is comprised of 62 claims which extend from just east of Highway 397, where it adjoins the Senneville West and South Groups of claims, to the contact area of the Pascalis Batholith.
The extreme southwest corner of the Senneville East ground is underlain by the Garden Island sediments which are primarily wackes, siltstones, and conglomerates. To the south, these are in contact with the narrow eastern end of an east trending salient off of the La Corne Batholith. To the north, these sediments are in contact with the Lanaudiere Group which is predominantly basalt and mafic volcaniclastics, within which are narrow units of komatiite, and ultramafic and gabbroic sills. All of these units trend west-northwest and their contacts are usually dextral or reverse dextral faults, with steep dips to the north. Intruded into all of these units are northeast trending Proterozoic Diabase dykes.
Exploration Potential
The most easterly claims of the Senneville East group overlie the contact between the Lanaudiere Formation Volcanics and the Pascalis Batholith. The eastern border of this intrusive is the site of many significant gold showings. Apart from the Mackenzie Break deposit, the western side of the intrusive has, to date, not revealed a similar abundance. However, in the government document PRO-91-18, Moorehead J., 1991 p. 4, the first recommendation by the author is that the western boundary of the Batholith contact should be explored between the Mackenzie Break deposit southeast toward Lac Dondin. The Senneville East property covers about 7 km of this contact.
In 2012, the most recent drilling program by the previous claim holder focussed on defining the south eastward extension of the Cere gold showing onto the present Senneville East Group. Both the showing and the drill holes are now within the Senneville Groups of claims. Two of three drill holes reported values of 9.79 g/t/1m and 11.03 g/t/1m. These intersections remain to be followed up to the southeast.
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