Xander Resources Fenelon Summer Program Commences

Xander Resources Inc. has started a summer exploration program at the 100 Percent owned Blue Ribbon Property. The property is located about 11km south-west of the Fenelon Mine Project of Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. The Property borders Probe Metals, Midland Exploration and Great Thunder Gold. The Broullian-Fenelon volcanic belt is expected to have significant potential for Gold.
"We are excited to start the Fenelon Summer exploration Program with a Gold target to go after and looking for further evidence along the Harricana exposed outcropping along the River bed. Setting up camp and further exploration this summer is a top priority," Rodney Ireland, Xander CEO said in a news release.
The Blue Ribbon Fenelon property of Xander Resources overlies the northwest- trending Bapst Fault which is coincident with the contact between the Brouillan Volcanics to the northeast, and the Brouillan Intrusive Complex to the southwest. The property has a sparse history of exploration due to difficulty of access and poor outcrop exposure.
The first part of the Summer exploration program this week will be to examine the property from helicopter in order to determine the condition of a network of logging roads which was probably established by the Normick company around 1993. Overgrowth, washouts, gravel pits, outcrop and camp sites will all have an influence on location of base camp set up. In addition, the flight will determine the abundance of outcrop exposed along the banks of the Harricana River.
An important target of the helicopter survey will be to locate the trench in the Brouillan Intrusive Complex reported on by Remick in 1969 and to commence ground exploration. This trench had exposed one hundred feet (30.5 meters) of a zone of quartz-ankerite veins in sheared diorite. The shear zone carried small amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite with visible gold observed in quartz veins. No assays were given. (Remick, J.H., 1969 RP 564(A) p. 20).
The knowledge gained from this first property visit will aid in preparing an extended exploration program for this Summer and Fall in 2021.
Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles