Xplore Resources announces 2021 exploration program at Red Lake

Xplore Resources Corp. has announced Phase 1 2021 exploration programs at the Company's Upper Red Lake Gold Project and the Pringle Lake Property both located in the Red Lake Mining Division, and the Valk Copper Project, located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Xplore considers both Red Lake properties historically underexplored. The initial airborne survey is scheduled for early August after which the Company plans to mobilize exploration crews to the properties. The Phase 1 program at Upper Red Lake and Pringle Lake will consist of a heliborne high-resolution magnetic ("MAG") survey flown in a systematic low-level grid pattern with full high-resolution covering the entirety of both properties.
The high-resolution survey will better define mineralization and aid in future drill targeting for the next phase of exploration. In addition, the survey is expected to better define the geometry and structural controls on mineralization and will aid in the identification of major litho-structural features.
The airborne survey has been contracted to Prospectair Geosurveys Inc. based in Gatineau, Quebec who are expected to mobilize to the properties in early August.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles