Canadian Shield Consultants


Aug 29, 2013

Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen, capable of converting organic molecules to water and carbon dioxide. This is called mineralization. Ozone will also react with heavy metals such as iron, and manganese to form precipitates which are easily filterable.
Moreover, under certain operating conditions ozone can be converted to hydroxyl radicals which are even more powerful oxidisers than ozone itself. Processes in which ozone is converted to hydroxyl radicals to achieve higher reaction rates are known as Advanced Oxidation Processes
Ozomax patented IN-SITU ozone generators produce ozone not from air or gaseous oxygen but directly from water using a patented electro-catalytic dissociation process. The resulting nascent oxygen in the presence of precious metal catalysts produces a mixture of powerful oxidants including oxygen radicals, ozone, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. These work together to oxidize and eliminate organic and inorganic pollutants and are especially effective in destroying micro-organisms.
INSITU ozone generators are most economical when treating water with a fairly high conductivity (TDS > 500 ppm.)
Please read through these documents for more information on this new treatment.

