Orbit Garant Ontario Inc.

Environmental Protection

Sep 4, 2013
  «The environmental policy we encourage rests upon our belief that the choice we have made to uphold ambitious ecological standards fosters innovation.»

Our company is well aware that environmental protection is vital to the quality-of-life of present and future generations. The environmental policy we encourage rests upon our belief that the choice we have made to uphold ambitious ecological standards fosters innovation. The rubber-traction equipped Orbitrac drills, which limit environmental impact, as well as our industrial waste recycling program, are both excellent examples of this.


In order to prevent lubricant and fuel leaks, we use only modern equipment that undergoes regular preventive maintenance to ensure it remains in excellent working condition. The lubricants we use throughout our daily operations, such as the drill rod lube and polymer, are non-toxic and represent no hazard for the environment. When working in delicate ecosystems such as tundra or when our equipment is near a body of water, underneath each piece of equipment we use special absorbent mats that are designed specifically to prevent and capture any overflow or spills.


Source: http://www.orbitgarant.com/environmental-protection.html