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HWIN Generator Registration and Renewals

What is HWIN, you ask? Then PLEASE, let us help you.

Jul 16, 2015

The Hazardous Waste Information Network allows all generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous waste to register online with the MOE and to pay any fees associated with Regulation 347.
What is Regulation 347?
"Regulation 347 sets out requirements for the handling, storage, management and disposal of liquid industrial and hazardous waste in Ontario. It includes a comprehensive manifest system to track these wastes from the point of generation to their final disposal. The regulation also sets out requirements for generator registration and defines responsibilities for generators, carriers, and receivers of liquid industrial and hazardous waste."
PLEASE call us, we can help. We can help you register and complete all documentation, we can train you and your staff how to complete a provincial waste manifest.
What is a Manifest?
A Manifest is a movement documentation that must be signed by the Consignor (Generator), Carrier (Transporter) and the Consignee (Receiving Site).

Source: http://www.greenlightsinc.ca/service.php?id=9