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Air Freight Capacity is Taking Flight

Jul 8, 2020
When passenger flights were sharply cut at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, air cargo shipping capacity was negatively impacted as well. IATA reported air travel was down 94.3% in April 2020 compared to the previous year. However, business operations still need to reliably move critical parts, and air cargo is often the fastest way to expedite freight.
Dedicated cargo planes were added on some routes to help offset the reduction in air capacity – recently an increase of 25.2% from April to May. Still, the coordination of supply and demand has been riddled with challenges and uncertainty. Watch the embedded video from Wendover Productions to learn more details about the recent air cargo situation. As the topic is complex and changes everyday, many leading companies trust CAP Logistics to provide transportation market insights and  Uptime LogisticsSM solutions.
With people buying plane tickets again, airlines are adding more routes and aircraft - which is great news for shippers. In addition to the cargo-specific planes recently added to help, the increase in new passenger flights has augmented air freight capacity. The year-over-year change in cargo space on passenger airlines improved by 10% between April and May. CAP Logistics is in regular communication with leading airlines and airports to learn the latest in route and capacity availability for your air freight. It’s one of the many ways our experts are able to provide you with Uptime LogisticsSM solutions.
Have you recently experienced shipping delays and volatility due to the reduction in airline capacity? If so, now could be the right time to explore your options. Call CAP Logistics today and speak with an experienced, US-based operations specialist to get your air freight shipping quote today.

Source: https://www.caplogistics.com/cap-logistics/2020/7/7/air-capacity-is-on-the-rise