FLSmidth Ltd


Aug 2, 2013

Whether you want to increase production capacity, reduce operating costs or minimise environmental impact, FLSmidth will work closely with you to develop the best upgrade solution.

Upgrade solutions that make competitive plants
Every plant is unique and we can help determine the most effective upgrade for your particular needs, whether you have FLSmidth equipment or not – to boost capacity and cut costs in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. 
No two solutions are alike, but as the case stories on the below pages illustrate, FLSmidth upgrades can significantly reduce costs, increase plant capacity and help compliance with environmental regulations.
Increase capacity
An FLSmidth upgrade solution can boost plant capacity by improving equipment reliability, decreasing downtime and increasing long-term capacity through longer run factors.
Reduce costs
New, efficient equipment, improved operating procedures and reliability, and reduced maintenance and downtime can all help reduce your costs. In addition, alternative fuels, improved process efficiency, and waste heat recovery can also significantly reduce costs.
Lower environmental impact 
FLSmidth continues to raise the bar when it comes to sustainable, environmentally responsible solutions that stay ahead of increasingly tough regulations and reduce plant-level emissions. 
How can we help?

From minor plant changes to large projects, we cover the entire range of upgrades. We excel at job excecution and meeting tight deadlines, and we always deliver what we promise. For more information about upgrade solutions to keep your plant competitive, please contact us.
