REFLEX Instrument North America Limited

Support / Service

Oct 25, 2013
Reflex Instruments has a network of support centres in all of the principal mining and exploration regions of the world. The company holds a complete inventory of parts and has dedicated repair and distribution teams who ensure instruments are replaced or returned quickly to reduce drilling down time. To contact your nearest support or service centre, select the contacts menu bar and select your region.
Worldwide warranty
Reflex instruments and genuine parts are covered by a 12 month worldwide warranty.
Support for all Reflex instruments is provided by Support Centres (Reflex companies) and Service Centres (Reflex partners). If any malfunction should occur, please contact your nearest Support or Service Centre for assistance.
Reflex recommends that magnetic instruments; Reflex EZ-A and Reflex EZ-Shot are calibrated once a year. Preventive maintenance of the instrument is performed at the same time. Contact your nearest Support or Service Centre for assistance.
Battery replacement
The Reflex Maxibor® II has integrated non-rechargeable batteries. Battery replacement is performed by Reflex personnel and a complete service of the instrument is performed at the same time. Contact Reflex for assistance.
Battery transport
Restrictions apply to the safe transportation of Lithium batteries. Please refer to the guidelines for transport of Lithium Batteries or contact your nearest Reflex office.
Major reparations
In the need of major reparations, for example if an instrument has been dropped and damaged, please contact Reflex for assistance.
