
A Team that Combines Expertise, Leadership and Energy

Jul 14, 2014

CMAC-THYSSEN Mining Group benefits from the expertise of a seasoned team that is known for its leadership. The team’s goals are consistent with the Company’s strategy to develop lasting business relationships. CMAC-THYSSEN Mining Group’s team is dedicated to offering impeccable service to its mining industry clientele and demonstrates unconditional commitment through its dedication, flexibility, innovation and passion. The team’s incredibly strong cohesion defines its strength and vitality.
Management Personnel
Luc Guimond
Ghislain Blanchet
Executive Vice-President
Steve Laliberte
Director of Operations
Gilberte Lyrette
Project Manager
Pierre Deschamps
Project Manager
Guillaume Julien
Technical Manager
Rejean Lalonde
Manufacturing Output Manager
Guy Tremblay
Human Resources Manager
Melanie  Pitre
Pierre-Andre  Viens
Ingénieur minier senior
Noemie Julien
Sustainable Development Manager
Denis Lemieux
Service aux ventes
819 651-2885
Envoyer un courriel
Claude Macdonald
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