Bending Lake Iron Group Ltd.


Feb 23, 2015
The Bending Lake Iron Deposit is located within the western region of the Wabigoon Subprovince of the Archean Superior Province. The Bending Lake property is located within the 70km long by 30km wide area known as the Stormy Bending Lake Greenstone Belt. It consists of differentiated mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, that are overlaid and interbedded with clastic and chemical metasedimentary rocks with a broad, southwest dipping synform. This package is bounded to the north by the Revell Batholith and to the south by the Irene-Eltrut Batholitic Complex. The folding and thickening event has produced large volumes of economic iron ore.
The Bending Lake Iron Deposit is a classical Algoma type iron ore deposit. The banded iron formation is a blue-grey to black, fine grained, well-bedded unit of magnetite with minor hematite, specularity, biotite, amphibole, chlorite, garnet, pyrite or pyrrhotite. It is interbedded with quartz-biotite garnet schist. The iron formation average thickness is 90m and has been traced over 9km in outcrop but aerial magnetic surveys show it extents up to 14km. A historical average grade of 28.19% Fe has been located along a 1150m long by 330m wide, thickened zone containing 249 Million tons of iron ore.
There are five mineral showings (Cu, Zn or Au) related to Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides on the Bending Lake property but further work is needed to better define these and other showings. 
There are two other iron showings (Stormy Lake Fe and North Fe) on the Bending Lake property. The Stormy Fe showing is related to the regional folding event (synform) but no detailed work has been completed to date. The North Fe is a ›2km northwest extension of the magnetite-bearing iron formation with 92m true width. Further work is needed to better define these other Fe showings.
Recently a NI 43-101 Resource Estimate was completed. It verifies a concentration of 336.6 Million tonnes of iron ore with an average grade of 29.99% magnetite


February 23, 2015
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