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Bending Lake Iron Group Ltd.

Josephine Cone Mine Project Agreement

Feb 23, 2015
WHEREAS the Government of Canada is committed to improving the efiiciency of federal environmental assessment (EA) and regulatory review processes for major resource projects to enable a more effective assessment and mitigation of potential environmental effects, while protecting the health and safety of Canadians and promoting innovation and competitiveness within the Canadian resource industry sectors;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada is committed to undertaking a process of early, effective and meaningful consultation with Aboriginal groups, including Treaty First Nations, Non-Treaty First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, concerning contemplated federal Crown (Crown) conduct with respect to, among other things, major resource projects that may adversely affect established or potential Aboriginal and treaty rights under Section 35 of the Constitution Act, I982;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada has created the Major Projects Management Office (MPMO) for the purpose of overseeing and tracking the federal review, which includes the EA, regulatory reviews and Aboriginal consultation activities for major resource projects;
AND WHEREAS Bending Lake Iron Group Limited (the Proponent) has submitted a Project Description in support of its proposal to develop an iron ore mine located approximately 49 km southwest of Ignace, Ontario;
AND WHEREAS the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEA Agency) has commenced a comprehensive study pursuant to the former Canadian Environmental Assessment an (former CEAA)';
AND WHEREAS the CEA Agency, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Transport Canada (TC) have regulatory and stamtory duties in relation to the proposed project;
AND WHEREAS nothing in this Project Agreement (the Agreement) fetters the powers, statutory authorities and functions of federal departmentslagencies and their respective Ministers;
AND WHEREAS the CEA Agency and the Ontario Ministry of Environment have agreed to coordinate the federal and provincial EAs to the extent possible pursuant to the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation; and,
NOW THEREFORE the signatories (the Parties) to this Agreement commit to work together to facilitate an effective, accountable, transparent, timely and predictable federal review in relation to the proposed project and to contribute to fulfilling the Crown’s duty to consult with aboriginal groups.

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Source: http://mpmo.gc.ca/sites/mpmo.gc.ca/files/files/project-projet/pdf/josephine-eng.pdf

February 23, 2015
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