

Apr 3, 2015

For over 9 years iRing has been an underground mining industry leading application. An innovative ring design tool, iRing standardizes ring design, allowing for rapid design while enforcing best practices. iRing provides mine planners with intelligent tools to accurately and precisely design and test blast patterns in a computer environment to evaluate rock fragmentation, blast elated patterns and all related development costs for a variety of “what-if” drilling scenarios. Sitting on top of the MineCAD software package, iRing consists of 2 modules:
iRing Designer – comprised of slicing and drilling, iRing Designer is a trusted name in underground mining software. Using logical steps, iRing Designer takes a familiar CAD interface and turns it into a powerful ring design tool.
iRing Charging – iRing's loading program allows all types of explosives to be loaded and sequenced. Test patterns in a virtual environment before they are put into production with the real time blasting simulator.

 View iRing's Brochure here
