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Derrick Separation Technology

Aggregates - Fines Recovery System

May 19, 2015
• Recovery up to 80% of the solids currently reporting to your settling pond facility
• Recover ultra sands and silts
• Greatly reduce pond cleaning efforts
• Increase the life of your current settling pond facility
• Drastically reduce maintenance costs involved with cleaning settling ponds
• All recovered solids are provided in a consistently stackable and conveyable form at 75 to 80% solids
• Turn once wasted material into a marketable product
• No costly polymers, flocculants or chemicals needed
The generation of fine solids are by far the largest concern within the industry. The Derrick HI-G® Dryer provides the most cost effective solution to handling these fines. This proven technology consists of a Derrick high G-force linear motion vibratory screen and a radial design cluster of Derrick 4" uni-body hydrocyclones. This combination provides the industry with unmatched performance and dependability. 
Principle of Operation 
The 4" hydrocyclones are mounted on a radial design manifold, fed by the wash plant discharge under a consistent pressure of 35 to 37 PSI. The centrifugal separation extracts the ultra fine sands and silts discharging them out the underflow. The fines are leaving the hydrocyclones at approximatley 55 to 60% solids where they are fed to our high G-force dewatering screen. The HI-G Dryer dewatering unit is powered by two 2.5 HP electromechanical vibrators operating at 1,750 RPM with a stroke length of 0.19 inches. The combination of stroke length and rotation speed create 7.3 G's of acceleration on the screen surface, resulting in efficient separation of water from the fine solids. The dewatered fines are then discharged from the screening machine at 75 to 80% solids.

Fines Recovery System Flow Diagram

Recovered solids are conveyed to a stock pile
Canadian producers are experiencing major savings

Custom designed to accommodate any flow rate and solids rate

Source: http://www.derrick.com/webmodules/catCatalog/dtl_Product.aspx?ID=54

May 19, 2015
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