Bancroft Area Forest Industry Association


Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

Nov 18, 2015
Woodlot owners contribute to the overall health and diversity of the landscape. In being responsible land stewards they play a role in maintaining the health of the forests, plants and animals as well as the quality of the air and water. An important program that is available to forest landowners is the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). This is a resource management tool that will assist landowners in continuing their stewardship legacy while reducing their property taxes.
The MFTTP is a program that is available to landowners who own at least 4 hectares of forested property and is designed to “increase landowner awareness about forest stewardship”, encourage responsible management and benefit landowners through lower property taxes. ln lessening the tax burden on forested lands, landowners can afford to direct their efforts and resources on maintaining healthy forests. Landowners must prepare a long term Forest Management Plan that describes the forest property, details the management activities that are scheduled to occur over a ten-year period and have the plan approved by a Managed Forest Plan Approver (MFPA) who is designated by the OMNR. The framework for developing a management plan is outlined in the booklet A Guide to Stewardship Planning for Natural Areas and details of the program are found in the Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) Guide-2006.
