MMD Mineral Sizing (Canada) Inc.

MMD Plate Feeder Direct Load Facility

Jul 10, 2013

This facility, incorporated into all the MMD Feeders allows high impact loading of material directly onto the feeder plates even whilst the feeder is operational.

When material is loaded onto the feeder, the plates cushion the material, absorbing the undefined initial impact forces by deforming within their elastic limit. The supporting impact rails, caterpillar chains and rollers contain and transmit the remaining forces evenly into the fully welded one piece main frame, dissipating impact energy within the confines of the plate feeder. This elimination of impact energy minimises supporting steelwork, thereby enabling the feeder to be easily installed in both open pit operations, processing plants and underground applications alike.

The position of the Caterpillar chains and the impact rails is such that the optimum strength of the conveyor plates is achieved, whilst also making the chain and rollers accessible for routine inspection.
