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5160 Explorer Drive, Unit # 6
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: L4W 4T7
Fax: 1-(905)-629-7988
E-mail: office@equipmentjournal.com.
Telephone: 1-(905)-629-7500

Equipment Journal

We publish product news, industry events and trends, provincial industry news, company profiles, and announcements regarding people in the industry. We do not publish testimonials or advertorials. We do accept unsolicited freelance submissions.

Twitter Feed
@EQJnews Canada's #Construction Industry in Slow Growth Mode https://t.co/Ck4Lm5RrNt #heavyequipment #forecast… https://t.co/ive0PZUL0n
8 years ago
@EQJnews Five-year forecast for equipment #rental revenue strengthens https://t.co/tLPbmouPau @TheRentalShowhttps://t.co/esM3y9rRRJ
8 years ago
@EQJnews .@CaterpillarInc to Establish Global Headquarters in #Chicago Area https://t.co/29h8Nfcc9j #businessnews #heavyequipment
8 years ago
@EQJnews .@NewhollandCE Manufactures its 250,000th Skid Steer Loader https://t.co/BGrA7G6Ruu #construction #manufacturing https://t.co/ZB0IFAkmHU
8 years ago
@EQJnews RT @cme_mec: Chief Economist Mike Holden: Cdn economy looks like it may be turning corner after 2 consecutive years of lethargy https://t.c…
8 years ago