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Western University, Department of Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences is the science of the planet Earth. We seek to understand the Earth's internal structure and composition; its dynamic character (earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics); the processes that occur within it; the processes that shape its surface and the materials that constitute its surface layers; the origin, occurrence, extraction and conservation of the Earth's natural resources (minerals, fossil fuels, soils, and water); the place of the Earth within the Solar System, and the history of life on Earth.
Western's Department of Earth Sciences is a close-knit and dynamic department combining cutting edge academic and applied research with strong mentorship and teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Our graduates can be found in industry, academia and government across Canada and around the world. Come see us in the Biological and Geological Sciences Building to see what Earth Sciences has to offer.

Contact us

Department of Earth Sciences
Western University
Biological & Geological Sciences Building, Room 1026
1151 Richmond St. N.
London, ON N6A 5B7

Main Telephone Number: (519) 661-3187
Main Fax Number: (519) 661-3198
Email: earth-sc@uwo.ca