Home > Supplier Companies > ADVANCED SECURITY


Head Office
741 Algonquin Blvd. East, Unit C
Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: P4N 8S6
Fax: 1-705 264 5547
E-mail: advancedsecurity@advsecur.com
Telephone: 1-705-267-5547


Advanced Security Incorporated (ASI) has been offering security and protective services to clients throughout Ontario for more than 25 years. We are the first and only First Nations-owned security and protective services provider in Ontario.
Advanced Security is focused on building a track record of reliability, professionalism and service excellence by providing and training security professionals to the highest industry standards. We also offer in-house Security Guard training leading to provincial certification, and we support applicant processing, CPIC queries and pardon applications.