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Blue Heron
SPCR and Reporting Workshop
Event Details
Ensure you are planning for environmental spills in your workplace, while adhering to legal requirements
This course is designed to inform industry management and environmental professionals regarding the requirements of Ontario SPCR and Reporting.
Our training will incorporate considerations for overall response, safety protocols, and the protection of the environment.
We will address legislated requirements related to the development and implementation of SPCR Plans, providing operators with templates and useful tools in SPCR document development, and will assist participants in designing spill mock exercises and training programs for their facilities.
Workshop Benefits
Workplace Health and Safety Considerations
Spill Prevention Techniques
Understanding of Site-Risk Assessments
Correct Application and Understanding of Spill Response Situations
Understanding of Legal Requirements
Workshop Topics
Useful Tools in SPCR Document Development and Implementation
The Legislative Requirements of a SPCR Plan
Safely Responding to Spill Events
How to Design Mock-Spill Exercises

Blue Heron
Specializing in the mining industry, Blue Heron Environmental is a company of professionals with extensive practical experience in assisting clients with the management of environmental, safety and regulatory risks.
September 12, 2020 - September 12, 2025
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