Instituto de Seguridad Minera (ISEM) Peru
Supervisors Program
Event Details

The supervisor program is available to anyone who develops in a middle management (Supervisor), so it is not a requirement that they have a professional title.
The course is designed in two levels:
Level I: That includes technical and managerial skills.
It covers topics on Management Systems, IPERC, Incident Investigation and Notification, Occupational Hygiene, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness, Mining Productive Process, Management and Organization Tools, Planning.
Level II: Focused on soft skills.
Oriented to the topic of Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork, Motivation and Effective Communication, Management and Conflict Resolution.
Addressed to:
• Supervisors
• Workers of Mining Companies
• Workers of Mining Units
• Students who wish to obtain knowledge in Occupational Health and Safety
• General public
Central: (511) 437-1300
Responsible: Analí, Gstir Baumann  | Telephone 974 638 849

Instituto de Seguridad Minera (ISEM) Peru
We are a private non-profit association, made up of the main mining and industrial companies and independent professionals. Founded on February 25, 1998 under the patronage of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru, entities that would later be joined by the College's Mining Chapter of Engineers of Peru.
June 18, 2021 - June 18, 2025
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