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SGS Mineral Services
Winning Product Safety Culture for Packaging and Logistics Companies
Event Details

Join our live webinar to learn about product safety culture for packaging and logistics companies.
Since the introduction of food safety culture into the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked schemes, it has become a requirement to also commit to product safety culture for food packaging manufacturers, logistics and storage providers.
For these sections of the food supply chain, it has been adapted to become product safety culture, but the overall requirements from the GFSI are the same as food manufacturers. This includes activities of communication, training, feedback from employees and performance measurement on product safety activities.
SGS has launched its Realize program; winning product safety culture assessment to provide a measurement of product safety culture on a site and provide actionable intelligence that can be used to continuously improve culture.
To understand the requirements for product safety culture for packaging and logistics companies
Understand SGS Realize; how a winning product safety culture can provide a measurement of culture and identify areas for improvement
Introduction to product safety culture
SGS Realize; winning product safety culture
Ways to improve culture
Jeremy Chamberlain, SGS Global Food Certification Manager
Session Schedule
7:00 AM – San Francisco (United States)
10:00 AM – New York (United States)
3:00 PM – London (United Kingdom)
4:00 PM – Paris (France)
Language: English
Cost: No charge
For further information, please contact:
Jennifer Buckley
Senior Global Marketing Manager

SGS Mineral Services
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Tuesday, July 13, 2021
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