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Backed by a Combined Three Decades of Reputable Industry Experience and Lifetime Warranty, Our Storage Tank Solutions Provide Reliable, Clean, Safe and Efficient Fluid Control.
Fluid Hose & Coupling Inc. strives to be working partners in contributing to our customers' needs, goals and successes. Whether it's replacement parts or a solution to a new or existing challenge, customers trust Fluid Hose & Coupling Inc. because of our 35 years of reputable service.
FMC Engineering  can rebuild equipment in all major industry sectors, from Gearboxes to Valves, Spindles to Ballscrews, Centrifuges to Pumps, and anywhwere ..
Eagle Eye NDT's mission is to collaborate with Indigenous community leaders to empower their members, through training and coaching, to assist in providing Non-Destructive Testing & Inspection services on their state territories, in a safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally sound manner.
Foraco International SA, a publicly traded company based in Marseille, France, is the third largest global mineral driller providing innovative solutions for mining, and water projects across 23 countries and five continents.
FTE Drilling (Forages Technic-Eau Inc.) is one of the most specialized companies in the drilling industry. Offering different types of drilling more specifically in Quebec, Ontario (Maritime) and West Africa.
Orbit Garant Drilling Inc. (TSX: OGD) is one of Canada’s largest mineral drilling companies, providing services to major, intermediate and junior mining companies through all stages of exploration, development and production.