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Since 1972 Comairco’s knowledgeable personnel have been supporting customers across Canada and in the United States by helping them clearly identify their needs in compressed air demand and by selling or renting the most cost efficient compressors and compressed air equipment available in the industry.
Commissionaires is Canada's premier security company, offering a unique combination of integrity, experience and innovation. For more than 85 years, Commissionaires has protected people and property across Canada in the private and public sectors.
Commissionaires Ottawa is the largest, most experienced and best-trained security services provider in the National Capital Region, the Ottawa Valley, Northwestern Quebec and throughout Northern Ontario.
CMiC is the leading provider of complete, integrated and advanced enterprise software solutions for construction and capital project firms. CMiC’s powerful software solutions are designed to increase efficiency across the enterprise, streamline processes and maximize profitability by lowering costs, improving productivity and increasing...