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For over 25 years, Dalimar Instruments Inc. has offered cutting-edge products and service in the area of acoustic and vibration testing equipment, sensors and data collection.
We supply some of the largest mining companies in the world including Vale INCO, Xstrata Nickel and DeBeers. Our products have been shipped all over North America, Mexico and Africa. We pride ourselves on innovative, high quality products delivered with the highest levels of service and dedication.
Danatec offers a wide range of TDG Training, WHMIS Training and compliance tools: Self-Teach programs designed so you can learn on your own, online training, handbooks, reference manuals and more.
Darby Manufacturing is your fi rst step to quality industrial seating. As the largest seating distributor in North America, we carry a wide range of seats and parts from Grammer to Isri, Promek to Be-Ge, Pilot, Kab, Milsco, Sittab and most recently Sears seating. Our lines of products can be built to suit any piece of mining mobile...
Established in 1975, Darby Manufacturing is the largest industrial seating distributor in North America. Darby stocks a wide range of industrial seats and accessories from some of the most respected manufacturers in the industry.