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"Discount Car and Truck Rentals is Canada’s leading supplier of rental vehicles
Still proudly run by the Singer family, Discount Car and Truck Rentals is the only national car and truck rental company that is owned and operated by Canadians.
Discovery Drill Manufacturer (DDM) Ltd. has been in operation since 1999. The company has over 40 years experience in the diamond drilling industry. Before founding DDM, our President John Labonville, worked in the exploration industry for over 30 years.
Discovery Int'l Geophysics Inc. was established in 1996 through the alliance of two long time industry professionals. Together, Dennis Woods, Ph.D., P.Eng. and Brent Robertson offer over 45 years of experience in providing geophysical services to over 200 industry clients
Ditch Hitch is the safest vehicle recovery system on the market. Not only does it prevent bodily injury, it will help your company avoid safety and legal issues resulting from on-the-job injuries or deaths.
For over 50 years, Dixon Electric has been servicing the electrical industry with a combination of integrity, stability and trust. We take pride in our ability to provide customized solutions to exact specifications for each one of our clients, as a full line electrical distributor. Through the collaboration between Dixon Electric, our...
DMC Mining Services is a division of FNX Mining Company Inc. which is a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM International.