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Serco Loading Dock and Warehouse Solutions

Serco has partnered with companies worldwide to increase cost-effective practices, energy-savings and productivity at their loading docks.
Serco enhances operational efficiency through specialty hydraulic, power-assisted, air powered and mechanical dock levelers, energy saving dock seals and shelters, energy efficient HVLS Fans, a variety of non-impact style vehicle restraints, and ergonomic lift tables. Serco offers advanced control systems to integrate them all together for the ultimate safe, efficient dock operation.
Dock Levelers
Serco’s variety of dock levelers efficiently and safely transfer products between vehicles and the loading dock.
Vehicle Restraints
Serco Restraints snugly secure trailers at the loading dock to prevent unexpected departure while loading or unloading.
Dock Seal’s and Dock Shelters
Serco Dock Seals and Dock Shelters help protect and insulate the loading dock by keeping the elements out while keeping energy in.
Serco’s High Volume Low Speed fans circulate air in large spaces to keep employees comfortable while helping reduce a company’s energy costs.
Lift Products
Serco’s In-Plant lifts make moving product accessible and more ergonomic by ‘lifting’ the product to the worker. Serco’s Dock Lifts make moving products safer and more efficient in a diverse variety of dock applications.
Integrated Controls
Serco Master Control Panels combine the operating controls for all dock devices into one compact panel, drastically improving functionality, productivity, security and environmental control while saving on electrical costs.
For a wide array öf aftermarket parts, products and accessories within the loading dock industry there is no other go-to resource.