MineARC Systems

Hard Rock Mines

MineARC Refuge Chambers have emerged as the number one selling refuge chambers in the world. This is a result of over a decade of research and development along with an inherent understanding of underground safety requirements. MineARC chambers undergo constant refinement and enhancements to adapt to changing technologies and industry environments.
The HRM model (Hard-Rock-Mine), is the original and standard configuration in the MineARC Systems refuge chamber range. The HRM has been developed and refined in co-operation with leading mining companies worldwide.
* To date, MineARC's HRM model is the only refuge chamber in the world to comply in full with the 2009 WA Guidelines for Refuge Chambers in Metalliferous [Hard-Rock] Mines, produced by DOCEP (Department of Consumer and Employment Protection). For a copy of the WA Guidelines click on the link above.

Trusted in over 100 sites in over 40 countries, the MineARC HRM (Hard-Rock-Mine) model refuge chamber is the world’s no.1 refuge in metalliferous mines.

The HRM6-ELVP is the latest innovation in ultra-portable refuge chambers from MineARC Systems.