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Mining Companies
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Crocodile Gold is a Canadian mining company operating the Cosmo Gold MIne in the Northern Territory, Australia and the Fosterville Gold Mine and Stawell Gold Mine in the State of Victoria, Australia. 
Crow Butte was discovered in 1980 and began production in 1991. It is the first uranium mine in Nebraska, and is a significant contributor to the economy of northwest Nebraska.
Diamcor Mining Inc. is a fully reporting publically traded junior diamond mining company which is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol V.DMI, and on the OTC QX International under the symbol DMIFF.  The Company has a well-established prior operational and production history in South Africa, extensive prior experience...
The Diavik Diamond Mine is an unincorporated joint venture between Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (60 per cent ownership) and Dominion Diamond Diavik Limited Partnership (40 per cent ownership).
Donlin Gold has been named the 2013 National Employer of the Year by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). This award recognizes a business that demonstrates outstanding accomplishments that result in a positive impact on its workforce, industry and community.
Duck Pond is a copper and zinc mine located in central Newfoundland, approximately 100 kilometres southwest of the city of Grand Falls-Windsor. The mine achieved commercial production in April 2007.
Dundee Precious Metals Inc. is a Canadian based, international gold mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of precious metals.
Dynacor Mines Inc. began operating in Peru in 1996. That year, the Company commenced the construction of the Huanca-Acari gold ore-processing plant in southern Peru
The Ekati property covers 344,000 hectares, with the land lease area being 10,960 hectares and is located in Northwest Territories, Canada.
Elgin Mining is a Canadian based company focused on production at the Björkdal Gold Mine in Sweden, and on advancing the Lupin gold mine, located in Nunavut, Canada, to a production decision. Elgin Mining also selectively reviews opportunities to add advanced stage development projects to its portfolio